Video Poker tips for beginners

Casino Tips

Video Poker is a five-card game, also known as fixed-odd poker, played on online casinos. It is somewhat similar to slot machines. The main difference between video slots and poker is that you should have the skill to play it, whereas, slots totally depend on a random number generator.

If you are a beginner in Video Poker or already have some skill regarding it, this article will feed you the basic skills and tips regarding it. It is among the most famous online casino games and has retained its position now for a decade. Video Poker provides lower house edge to casinos if played correctly. Before discussing the tips we must get aware of the procedure to play Video Poker.

How to play Video Poker

Like other casino games, Video Poker also has numerous variants, but all of them are very simple having 5 card draw.

Firstly the player is dealt with 5 cards and then given a chance, either he wants to keep the card or reject it. If he rejects the cards, he will receive the new cards. Then he will retain the final hands.
We have discussed Video Poker gameplay rules.

  1. Firstly deposit the credit in the machines.
  2. Make Your Bet
  3. Deal the initial five-card deal for poker hand.
  4. If you feel that cards are not relevant ( discard them)
  5. Now you will receive replacement cards from the deck
  6. In the case of winning, you will be paid through the payment process used by the casino.

Let’s discuss important Video Poker tips

  • Tip 1: Always learn the rules before playing
    Surprisingly, many beginners turn up good playing Video Poker, thinking it to be a slot. Whereas some lose a hefty amount just because they are unaware of the rules of the game. Therefore, you must be familiar with the basic rules of the game, before flowing your money. Video Poker is 5 card poker game, you can do a royal flush just with one pair. You must be aware of various variants of the game.
  • Tip 2: Always read the Game Guide
    If you are aware of the rules and strategy of Video Poker, it is one of the easiest games in the online casino. It is always beneficial to do some research regarding the strategies of the game. Learn these strategies, practice by playing the free game, many online casinos provide free online Video Poker games.
  • Tip 3: Select the best game for you
    Like every game in the online casino, the selection of the video poker game is crucial. Almost every casino has the same rules, what differs are the payouts. The RTP for most of the video poker variants is in the range of 95-96%. It means you can get around 95 to 96 eurocents per euro wagering. Always select the game that can provide you good payouts. The reputation of the online casino also matters a lot. Therefore choose games wisely. Jacks and better can provide an RTP up to 99.5%.
  • Tip 4: Play the Game Wisely
    Never make the decision in rush, keep calm and play wisely. Video Poker is all about fun and never let it get to your nerves. Always play slow, it will decrease the chances of mistakes and will let you think clearly.
  • Tip 5: Bet maximum coins
    Most beginners play cautiously and increase the bet gradually. However, in Video Poker, you will sometimes get more benefits by betting maximum coins. This will enhance your chances of winning a jackpot. You need to see games from all angles and placing a maximum bet can enhance your chance of winning.
  • Tip 6: Check the gambling laws
    Before playing Video Poker, always check the gambling laws in your region. You can find on the casino’s website, whether gambling is legal or not, as many casinos are banned in various regions of the world. Furthermore, check whether the casino is controlled by some regulatory authority or not. If not, then leave it immediately.
  • Tip 7: Always Use Video Poker strategy chart
    As a beginner, you must have a strategy chart that will enable you to enhance your skill in Video Poker. Our recommendation is to get a strategy chart and play Jacks or Better, as it returns more money. Furthermore, we recommend you to play Jacks or Betterbecause it is the simplest variant of Video Poker and the strategy charts are very easy to find. By playing Jacks or Better you can master the basic skills of Video Poker, then you can move to advance variants. These charts can get you around 99.45% percent of return. The main advantage of a simple strategy chart is that you’ll understand it clearly and there is less chance to misunderstood the strategies.


Video Poker is a fun game, which gives you the opportunity to win heavy payouts. You can win it by hitting a straight flush, royal flush, or quads. And if you know the basic tips and tricks, then this game can enhance your chances of winning jackpots.

For the beginner, it is always recommended to start with the basic information of the game, gambling laws, and regulation authority of your country, then choosing the right casino and game and ultimately strategy chart. Follow these Video Poker tips and become an expert.

Obviously! By following these strategies will take some time, but all these tips will enhance your knowledge and will help you develop your own strategies. Everybody loves winning, we are sure that these tips will enhance your winning ratio to the optimum level.
Have fun playing Video Poker!