Look Closely To Slots Volatility And Choose Wisely

Slots Volatility

When choosing a slot game there are some things to look out for if you want to make sure you are making the right choice. In the deep sea of different slot games that are available in the world of gambling, there is a high chance you could get lost. The bigger the number of available slot games indicates bigger choices but that does not mean that all of them are good.

You should make sure you understand the basic definition of the term volatility to be able to use it as a tool in your quest to find the best slot game for you. In this article, we have provided you with a few pointers to help guide you in the right direction and make the choosing process much easier for you. Without any further ado, let us start with the basics.

Step One: Having a Clear Understanding of What Volatility Represents

First things first, as mentioned above you need to have a basic understanding of what volatility is in a slot game in order to use it while choosing your slot game. No worries, we have provided this article to help you better understand the gist of it.

To put it in a simple sentence, the volatility of a slot game represents the measure of how much and how frequently you can expect rewards while playing. A more detailed definition would be, that slots volatility is a combination of elements that include the frequency of the payout, the amount of payout and the risk level of the game. With the knowledge of the volatility level that the slot game offers you are able to predict how good or bad the performance will be in the long run.

Step Two: Learning The Different Levels of Volatility

When it comes to the levels of volatility they are sectioned into three basic types and are marked as high, medium, and low. Apart from the basic three levels, there are also other sublevels of the volatility of some slot games and those include the medium-high volatility and the low-medium volatility.

The different type of volatility level interprets the type of risk you can expect in the game. With that being said, you can expect either a high-risk, medium-risk, low-risk, low-medium risk or medium-high risk. Depending on your budget or what you look for in a slot game knowing the volatility level of a slot is the first thing that will determine if the slot game matches your idea.

Step Three: Understanding Low Volatility

Starting off with the low volatility level, it indicates that the game will deliver payouts more frequently with the size being relatively small. This volatility level ensures a winning combination every 5 to 10 spins on average but as mentioned they will not be on the bigger size.

If you are looking for gameplay that will ensure you steady small winnings then you should look out for the slot games that have low volatility levels. If your goal is not the size of the winnings but more so the frequency of them then this volatility level is the one you should look for when choosing a slot game.

Step Four: Understanding Medium Volatility

Next up, we have the medium volatility level. This level indicates the best qualities of both high-risk and low-risk games. This is because it combines the more frequent payouts of the low volatility slots and the bigger size of the winnings from the high volatility slots. As a result, most slot games have this volatility level because of which it is the most popular among the volatility levels.

So if you look for the best of both worlds when it comes to the size and frequency of the payouts in a slot game look out for the slot titles that offer medium volatility levels.

Step Five: Understanding High Volatility

By now you can tell what the high volatility level represents. It indicates that the slot in question offers you payouts that are on the bigger size but do not show up too often. Most of the games in this category offer payout sizes that are definitely worth the wait.

If you look for a game title that will give you the chance to make a huge winning in just one turn then this category is the one you should look out for. Keep in mind that it might take you one turn to land a big payout or it will take you a long while. It is up to you to choose if you are willing to wait for the big payout.

Step Six: Considering Your Preferences and Your Budget

The last and final step here is to carefully go through your personal preferences and the size of your budget to be able to make the choice when it comes to the slot title. Knowing your personal preferences and budget will determine what kind of volatility level suits you best and with that, you are ready to make the choice.


Are you looking for a game title that will give you the chance to make a huge winning in just one turn? Then the high volatility category is the one you should look out for. Keep in mind that it might take you one turn to land a big payout or it will take you a long while.

Are you looking for the best of both worlds when it comes to the size and frequency of the payouts in a slot game? Then look out for the slot titles that offer medium volatility levels. This category is the most popular which means you have a big library of game titles to choose from.

Are you are looking for gameplay that will ensure you steady small winnings? Then you should look out for slot games that have low volatility levels. If your goal is not the size of the winnings but more so the frequency of them then this volatility level is the one you should look for when choosing a slot game.